About Us
ODA Toronto Campus is a registered and reviewed by the Ontario Ministry of Education, providing high-level college/university preparatory credit courses (high school grades 9-12) and high-quality CAEL, TOEFL (TOEFL), GMAT, IELTS ( IELTS), oral English and other test training and One-on-One Tutoring (one-to-one tutoring), Homework Club (homework group), English Club (English Club), March Break, Summer Winter Programs (spring summer winter courses), SAT courses (exam courses for admission to American universities), Experiential Learning program (experiential teaching courses).
Learning Begins With Us
One Direction Academy is a school which offers programs to its Canadian and international students to learn and gain knowledge through innovative and a conducive learning environment.One Direction Academy provides wide options of courses from high School OSSD (9-12 Grades) program to Advanced Placement (AP) program to English as Second Language program and many more. All these programs are designed for students coming to Canada to achieve their educational And professional goals.
Along with Ontario’s strong education system, One Direction Academy offers a student-centered environment, world-class curriculum, professional management, skilled teachers, high quality facilities, strong partnership with universities, and a full range of services for students.